Mk 1
Mk 1
Exploring the movie universe through graphs.

Exploring the movie universe through graphs.

Moogerly lets you visualize your favorite titles, cast and crew through interactive graphs and shows how they fit into the interconnected world of film, TV shows and trivia. Moogerly is continually being developed and is currently labeled as «Mark 1».
Static example. Click to explore more.

Explore – Start here

To find out what Moogerly can do just give it a go: Browse through some of the predefined sets or find the movies and persons of your chosing and dive right in yourself.


Go here to find all the public sets and share them with your friends. Members can save their visualizations as sets for later.


This page will provide information about how to use Moogerly.

Sign in

Log in to your Moogerly account to manage your sets or personal information. (Currently invite-only)

Info is a personal project created by the maker of Its purpose is to bring together the passion for data, design and storytelling while learning new things and getting better at other things. While Moogerly is put together and maintained by one man only, it uses open source code provided by third parties and relies heavily on data and technology provided by «The Movie Database» (TMDB).